
4 B2B Content Distribution Tools You Don't Know About

18 Nov 2015 | by Ian Blake

Discover how to get your B2B content in front of your persona using these 5 distribution tools.

So you’ve created an incredible piece of B2B branded content that couldn’t be any more perfect for your target persona – but now what? You need to get it out there fast, to as many of the right people as you possibly can.

Here are 4 lesser known distribution tools that can help propel your content driven marketing to the biggest and the best possible audience.

1. Buffer

Buffer is not only a great way to manage the way you share content to social media channels like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+. You can also use it automate when this content is posted, drawing on its data insights to figure out optimal posting times. Plus, if you spot a great opportunity for some moment marketing using older content, you don’t have to worry about digging it out again – you simply re-share it from the dashboard of the app.

2. GaggleAmp

To reach the biggest audience, you’ll need to pull in some favours. GaggleAmp works by letting you create a cohort of people loyal to your brand – your employees, partner organisations, even long-term customers – that are willing to share your messages and content when it’s created through their social media accounts. Plus, it feeds back extensive analytics on shares, engagement and ROI.  

3. OneLoad 

If you’re creating video content, Oneload is a great option. All you need to do is upload your video to OneLoad, and will distribute it on your behalf, automatically, to more than twenty top video sites – YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Hulu and the like, as well as any custom ones you add yourself.

If you’ve ever had to export or transcode videos in a dozen different formats, or have been stuck babysitting endless uploads to different sites before manually filling in the details for each one, you’ll appreciate just what an amazing time-saver this is.

What’s more, the tool comes with a detailed dashboard to allow you to track your videos’ performance, lets you group videos for aggregate analytics, and even has a feature to recall scheduling should you spot an issue at the 11th hour.

4. SimpleReach 

The best thing about SimpleReach? Its spookily accurate real time reporting and predictions feature. Within minutes of publishing your content, the Predictive Score tool will tell you how it’s likely to perform and which items of content are likely to attract the most traffic and engagement. It doesn’t stop there, of course – you continue to track the performance of your content to see how it actually pans out – but the powerful prediction tool means you can focus your energies on the content that’s most likely to succeed.

 If you’re looking for advice on content driven marketing, including best practice advice for B2B branded content, download the ‘B2B Content Creation Masterclass’ below.

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