Killer B's in B2B

Killer B’s in B2B - Balance


There has been a definite shift towards humanising B2B marketing and this recognition has been long overdue. Talking to your audience purely in rational, logical terms simply won’t cut through the clutter. Also, we’ve all been handcuffed to short-term lead generation KPIs for years now while we ignore the benefits of longer-term brand building. 

All in all, the balance has been missing from many B2B marketing plans. View this Slideshare for the full story. Learn how and why B2B brands grow faster when they take a balanced approach to the following:

  • Long and short-term objectives
  • Lead generation and brand building
  • Left brain and right brain thinking

Take a look at our balance slideshare >>

Now that you have a balanced perspective on B2B marketing, it’s time to explore the other killer B’s in B2B, Bravery and Brand. Follow our advice and you’re going to need a bigger sales team!



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